Paper 3, Section II, I

Graph Theory | Part II, 2018

What does it mean to say that a graph GG has a kk-colouring? What are the chromatic number χ(G)\chi(G) and the independence number α(G)\alpha(G) of a graph GG ? For each r3r \geqslant 3, give an example of a graph GG such that χ(G)>r\chi(G)>r but Kr⊄GK_{r} \not \subset G.

Let g,k3g, k \geqslant 3. Show that there exists a graph GG containing no cycle of length g\leqslant g with χ(G)k\chi(G) \geqslant k.

Show also that if nn is sufficiently large then there is a triangle-free GG of order nn with α(G)<n0.7\alpha(G)<n^{0.7}.

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