Paper 4, Section I, B

Further Complex Methods | Part II, 2018

State the conditions for a point z=z0z=z_{0} to be a regular singular point of a linear second-order homogeneous ordinary differential equation in the complex plane.

Find all singular points of the Bessel equation

z2y(z)+zy(z)+(z214)y(z)=0z^{2} y^{\prime \prime}(z)+z y^{\prime}(z)+\left(z^{2}-\frac{1}{4}\right) y(z)=0

and determine whether they are regular or irregular.

By writing y(z)=f(z)/zy(z)=f(z) / \sqrt{z}, find two linearly independent solutions of ()(*). Comment on the relationship of your solutions to the nature of the singular points.

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