Paper 4, Section II, B

Asymptotic Methods | Part II, 2018

Show that

I0(x)=1π0πexcosθdθI_{0}(x)=\frac{1}{\pi} \int_{0}^{\pi} e^{x \cos \theta} d \theta

is a solution to the equation

xy+yxy=0,x y^{\prime \prime}+y^{\prime}-x y=0,

and obtain the first two terms in the asymptotic expansion of I0(x)I_{0}(x) as x+x \rightarrow+\infty.

For x>0x>0, define a new dependent variable w(x)=x12y(x)w(x)=x^{\frac{1}{2}} y(x), and show that if yy solves the preceding equation then

w+(14x21)w=0.w^{\prime \prime}+\left(\frac{1}{4 x^{2}}-1\right) w=0 .

Obtain the Liouville-Green approximate solutions to this equation for large positive xx, and compare with your asymptotic expansion for I0(x)I_{0}(x) at the leading order.

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