Paper 3, Section II, 40C

Waves | Part II, 2018

Derive the ray-tracing equations

dxidt=Ωki,dkidt=Ωxi,dωdt=Ωt\frac{d x_{i}}{d t}=\frac{\partial \Omega}{\partial k_{i}}, \quad \frac{d k_{i}}{d t}=-\frac{\partial \Omega}{\partial x_{i}}, \quad \frac{d \omega}{d t}=\frac{\partial \Omega}{\partial t}

for wave propagation through a slowly-varying medium with local dispersion relation ω=Ω(k;x,t)\omega=\Omega(\mathbf{k} ; \mathbf{x}, t), where ω\omega and k\mathbf{k} are the frequency and wavevector respectively, tt is time and x=(x,y,z)\mathbf{x}=(x, y, z) are spatial coordinates. The meaning of the notation d/dtd / d t should be carefully explained.

A slowly-varying medium has a dispersion relation Ω(k;x,t)=kc(z)\Omega(\mathbf{k} ; \mathbf{x}, t)=k c(z), where k=kk=|\mathbf{k}|. State and prove Snell's law relating the angle ψ\psi between a ray and the zz-axis to cc.

Consider the case of a medium with wavespeed c=c0(1+β2z2)c=c_{0}\left(1+\beta^{2} z^{2}\right), where β\beta and c0c_{0} are positive constants. Show that a ray that passes through the origin with wavevector k(cosϕ,0,sinϕ)k(\cos \phi, 0, \sin \phi), remains in the region

zzm1β[1cosϕ1]1/2|z| \leqslant z_{m} \equiv \frac{1}{\beta}\left[\frac{1}{|\cos \phi|}-1\right]^{1 / 2}

By considering an approximation to the equation for a ray in the region zmzβ1\left|z_{m}-z\right| \ll \beta^{-1}, or otherwise, determine the path of a ray near zmz_{m}, and hence sketch rays passing through the origin for a few sample values of ϕ\phi in the range 0<ϕ<π/20<\phi<\pi / 2.

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