Paper 1, Section II, 39C

Waves | Part II, 2018

Derive the wave equation governing the velocity potential for linearised sound waves in a perfect gas. How is the pressure disturbance related to the velocity potential?

A high pressure gas with unperturbed density ρ0\rho_{0} is contained within a thin metal spherical shell which makes small amplitude spherically symmetric vibrations. Let the metal shell have radius aa, mass mm per unit surface area, and an elastic stiffness which tries to restore the radius to its equilibrium value a0a_{0} with a force κ(aa0)\kappa\left(a-a_{0}\right) per unit surface area. Assume that there is a vacuum outside the spherical shell. Show that the frequencies ω\omega of vibration satisfy

θ2(1+αθcotθ1)=κa02mc02\theta^{2}\left(1+\frac{\alpha}{\theta \cot \theta-1}\right)=\frac{\kappa a_{0}^{2}}{m c_{0}^{2}}

where θ=ωa0/c0,α=ρ0a0/m\theta=\omega a_{0} / c_{0}, \alpha=\rho_{0} a_{0} / m, and c0c_{0} is the speed of sound in the undisturbed gas. Briefly comment on the existence of solutions.

[Hint: In terms of spherical polar coordinates you may assume that for a function ψψ(r)\psi \equiv \psi(r),

2ψ=1r2r2(rψ)\nabla^{2} \psi=\frac{1}{r} \frac{\partial^{2}}{\partial r^{2}}(r \psi)

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