Paper 1, Section II, A

Statistical Physics | Part II, 2018

(a) A macroscopic system has volume VV and contains NN particles. Let Ω(E,V,N;δE)\Omega(E, V, N ; \delta E) denote the number of states of the system which have energy in the range (E,E+δE)(E, E+\delta E) where δEE\delta E \ll E represents experimental uncertainty. Define the entropy SS of the system and explain why the dependence of SS on δE\delta E is usually negligible. Define the temperature and pressure of the system and hence obtain the fundamental thermodynamic relation.

(b) A one-dimensional model of rubber consists of a chain of NN links, each of length a. The chain lies along the xx-axis with one end fixed at x=0x=0 and the other at x=Lx=L where L<NaL<N a. The chain can "fold back" on itself so xx may not increase monotonically along the chain. Let NN_{\rightarrow} and NN_{\leftarrow} denote the number of links along which xx increases and decreases, respectively. All links have the same energy.

(i) Show that NN_{\rightarrow} and NN_{\leftarrow} are uniquely determined by LL and NN. Determine Ω(L,N)\Omega(L, N), the number of different arrangements of the chain, as a function of NN_{\rightarrow} and NN_{\leftarrow}. Hence show that, if N1N_{\rightarrow} \gg 1 and N1N_{\leftarrow} \gg 1 then the entropy of the chain is

S(L,N)=kN[log212(1+LNa)log(1+LNa)12(1LNa)log(1LNa)]\begin{aligned} S(L, N)=k N & {\left[\log 2-\frac{1}{2}\left(1+\frac{L}{N a}\right) \log \left(1+\frac{L}{N a}\right)\right.} \\ &\left.-\frac{1}{2}\left(1-\frac{L}{N a}\right) \log \left(1-\frac{L}{N a}\right)\right] \end{aligned}

where kk is Boltzmann's constant. [You may use Stirling's approximation: nn ! \approx 2πnn+1/2en\sqrt{2 \pi} n^{n+1 / 2} e^{-n} for n1.]\left.n \gg 1 .\right]

(ii) Let ff denote the force required to hold the end of the chain fixed at x=Lx=L. This force does work fdLf d L on the chain if the length is increased by dLd L. Write down the fundamental thermodynamic relation for this system and hence calculate ff as a function of LL and the temperature TT.

Assume that NaLN a \gg L. Show that the chain satisfies Hooke's law fLf \propto L. What happens if ff is held constant and TT is increased?

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