Paper 4, Section II, A

Statistical Physics | Part II, 2018

The one-dimensional Ising model consists of a set of NN spins sis_{i} with Hamiltonian

H=Ji=1Nsisi+1B2i=1N(si+si+1)H=-J \sum_{i=1}^{N} s_{i} s_{i+1}-\frac{B}{2} \sum_{i=1}^{N}\left(s_{i}+s_{i+1}\right)

where periodic boundary conditions are imposed so sN+1=s1s_{N+1}=s_{1}. Here JJ is a positive coupling constant and BB is an external magnetic field. Define a 2×22 \times 2 matrix MM with elements

Mst=exp[βJst+βB2(s+t)]M_{s t}=\exp \left[\beta J s t+\frac{\beta B}{2}(s+t)\right]

where indices s,ts, t take values ±1\pm 1 and β=(kT)1\beta=(k T)^{-1} with kk Boltzmann's constant and TT temperature.

(a) Prove that the partition function of the Ising model can be written as


Calculate the eigenvalues of MM and hence determine the free energy in the thermodynamic limit NN \rightarrow \infty. Explain why the Ising model does not exhibit a phase transition in one dimension.

(b) Consider the case of zero magnetic field B=0B=0. The correlation function sisj\left\langle s_{i} s_{j}\right\rangle is defined by

sisj=1Z{sk}sisjeβH\left\langle s_{i} s_{j}\right\rangle=\frac{1}{Z} \sum_{\left\{s_{k}\right\}} s_{i} s_{j} e^{-\beta H}

(i) Show that, for i>1i>1,

s1si=1Zs,tst(Mi1)st(MNi+1)ts\left\langle s_{1} s_{i}\right\rangle=\frac{1}{Z} \sum_{s, t} s t\left(M^{i-1}\right)_{s t}\left(M^{N-i+1}\right)_{t s}

(ii) By diagonalizing MM, or otherwise, calculate MpM^{p} for any positive integer pp. Hence show that

s1si=tanhi1(βJ)+tanhNi+1(βJ)1+tanhN(βJ)\left\langle s_{1} s_{i}\right\rangle=\frac{\tanh ^{i-1}(\beta J)+\tanh ^{N-i+1}(\beta J)}{1+\tanh ^{N}(\beta J)}

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