Paper 2, Section II, A

Applications of Quantum Mechanics | Part II, 2018

Consider a one-dimensional chain of 2N12 N \gg 1 atoms, each of mass mm. Impose periodic boundary conditions. The forces between neighbouring atoms are modelled as springs, with alternating spring constants λ\lambda and αλ\alpha \lambda. In equilibrium, the separation between the atoms is aa.

Denote the position of the nth n^{\text {th }}atom as xn(t)x_{n}(t). Let un(t)=xn(t)nau_{n}(t)=x_{n}(t)-n a be the displacement from equilibrium. Write down the equations of motion of the system.

Show that the longitudinal modes of vibration are labelled by a wavenumber kk that is restricted to lie in a Brillouin zone. Find the frequency spectrum. What is the frequency gap at the edge of the Brillouin zone? Show that the gap vanishes when α=1\alpha=1. Determine approximations for the frequencies near the centre of the Brillouin zone. Plot the frequency spectrum. What is the speed of sound in this system?

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