Paper 3, Section II, F

Riemann Surfaces | Part II, 2018

Define the degree of an analytic map of compact Riemann surfaces, and state the Riemann-Hurwitz formula.

Let Λ\Lambda be a lattice in C\mathbb{C} and E=C/ΛE=\mathbb{C} / \Lambda the associated complex torus. Show that the map\operatorname{map}

ψ:z+Λz+Λ\psi: z+\Lambda \mapsto-z+\Lambda

is biholomorphic with four fixed points in EE.

Let S=E/S=E / \sim be the quotient surface (the topological surface obtained by identifying z+Λz+\Lambda and ψ(z+Λ)\psi(z+\Lambda) ), and let p:ESp: E \rightarrow S be the associated projection map. Denote by EE^{\prime} the complement of the four fixed points of ψ\psi, and let S=p(E)S^{\prime}=p\left(E^{\prime}\right). Describe briefly a family of charts making SS^{\prime} into a Riemann surface, so that p:ESp: E^{\prime} \rightarrow S^{\prime} is a holomorphic map.

Now assume that, by adding finitely many points, it is possible to compactify SS^{\prime} to a Riemann surface SS so that pp extends to a regular map ESE \rightarrow S. Find the genus of SS.

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