Paper 2, Section II, D

Principles of Quantum Mechanics | Part II, 2018

Explain what is meant by the intrinsic parity of a particle.

In each of the decay processes below, parity is conserved.

A deuteron (d+)\left(d^{+}\right)has intrinsic parity ηd=+1\eta_{d}=+1 and spin s=1s=1. A negatively charged pion (π)\left(\pi^{-}\right)has spin s=0s=0. The ground state of a hydrogenic 'atom' formed from a deuteron and a pion decays to two identical neutrons (n)(n), each of spin s=12s=\frac{1}{2} and parity ηn=+1\eta_{n}=+1. Deduce the intrinsic parity of the pion.

The Δ\Delta^{-}particle has spin s=32s=\frac{3}{2} and decays as

Δπ+n.\Delta^{-} \rightarrow \pi^{-}+n .

What are the allowed values of the orbital angular momentum? In the centre of mass frame, the vector rπrn\mathbf{r}_{\pi}-\mathbf{r}_{n} joining the pion to the neutron makes an angle θ\theta to the z^\hat{\mathbf{z}}-axis. The final state is an eigenstate of JzJ_{z} and the spatial probability distribution is proportional to cos2θ\cos ^{2} \theta. Deduce the intrinsic parity of the Δ\Delta^{-}.

[Hint: You may use the fact that the first three Legendre polynomials are given by

P0(x)=1,P1(x)=x,P2(x)=12(3x21).]\left.P_{0}(x)=1, \quad P_{1}(x)=x, \quad P_{2}(x)=\frac{1}{2}\left(3 x^{2}-1\right) . \quad\right]

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