Paper 3, Section II, F

Logic and Set Theory | Part II, 2016

State the Completeness Theorem for the first-order predicate calculus, and deduce the Compactness Theorem.

Let T\mathbb{T} be a first-order theory over a signature Σ\Sigma whose axioms all have the form (x)ϕ(\forall \vec{x}) \phi where x\vec{x}is a (possibly empty) string of variables and ϕ\phi is quantifier-free. Show that every substructure of a T\mathbb{T}-model is a T\mathbb{T}-model, and deduce that if T\mathbb{T} is consistent then it has a model in which every element is the interpretation of a closed term of L(Σ)\mathcal{L}(\Sigma). [[ You may assume the result that if BB is a substructure of AA and ϕ\phi is a quantifier-free formula with nn free variables, then ϕB=ϕABn\llbracket \phi \rrbracket_{B}=\llbracket \phi \rrbracket_{A} \cap B^{n}.]

Now suppose T(x)ψ\mathbb{T} \vdash(\exists x) \psi where ψ\psi is a quantifier-free formula with one free variable xx. Show that there is a finite list (t1,t2,,tn)\left(t_{1}, t_{2}, \ldots, t_{n}\right) of closed terms of L(Σ)\mathcal{L}(\Sigma) such that

T(ψ[t1/x]ψ[t2/x]ψ[tn/x])\mathbb{T} \vdash\left(\psi\left[t_{1} / x\right] \vee \psi\left[t_{2} / x\right] \vee \cdots \vee \psi\left[t_{n} / x\right]\right)

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