Paper 1, Section II, A

Applications of Quantum Mechanics | Part II, 2016

A particle in one dimension of mass mm and energy E=2k2/2m(k>0)E=\hbar^{2} k^{2} / 2 m(k>0) is incident from x=x=-\infty on a potential V(x)V(x) with V(x)0V(x) \rightarrow 0 as xx \rightarrow-\infty and V(x)=V(x)=\infty for x>0x>0. The relevant solution of the time-independent Schrödinger equation has the asymptotic form

ψ(x)exp(ikx)+r(k)exp(ikx),x\psi(x) \sim \exp (i k x)+r(k) \exp (-i k x), \quad x \rightarrow-\infty

Explain briefly why a pole in the reflection amplitude r(k)r(k) at k=iκk=i \kappa with κ>0\kappa>0 corresponds to the existence of a stable bound state in this potential. Indicate why a pole in r(k)r(k) just below the real kk-axis, at k=k0iρk=k_{0}-i \rho with k0ρ>0k_{0} \gg \rho>0, corresponds to a quasi-stable bound state. Find an approximate expression for the lifetime τ\tau of such a quasi-stable state.

Now suppose that

V(x)={(2U/2m)δ(x+a) for x<0 for x>0V(x)= \begin{cases}\left(\hbar^{2} U / 2 m\right) \delta(x+a) & \text { for } x<0 \\ \infty & \text { for } x>0\end{cases}

where U>0U>0 and a>0a>0 are constants. Compute the reflection amplitude r(k)r(k) in this case and deduce that there are quasi-stable bound states if UU is large. Give expressions for the wavefunctions and energies of these states and compute their lifetimes, working to leading non-vanishing order in 1/U1 / U for each expression.

[ You may assume ψ=0\psi=0 for x0x \geqslant 0 and limϵ0+{ψ(a+ϵ)ψ(aϵ)}=Uψ(a)\lim _{\epsilon \rightarrow 0+}\left\{\psi^{\prime}(-a+\epsilon)-\psi^{\prime}(-a-\epsilon)\right\}=U \psi(-a).]

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