Paper 2, Section II, D

Integrable Systems | Part II, 2016

What does it mean for gϵ:(x,u)(x~,u~)g^{\epsilon}:(x, u) \mapsto(\tilde{x}, \tilde{u}) to describe a 1-parameter group of transformations? Explain how to compute the vector field

V=ξ(x,u)x+η(x,u)uV=\xi(x, u) \frac{\partial}{\partial x}+\eta(x, u) \frac{\partial}{\partial u}

that generates such a 1-parameter group of transformations.

Suppose now u=u(x)u=u(x). Define the nnth prolongation, pr(n)gϵ\mathrm{pr}^{(n)} g^{\epsilon}, of gϵg^{\epsilon} and the vector field which generates it. If VV is defined by ()(*) show that

pr(n)V=V+k=1nηku(k)\mathrm{pr}^{(n)} V=V+\sum_{k=1}^{n} \eta_{k} \frac{\partial}{\partial u^{(k)}}

where u(k)=dku/dxku^{(k)}=\mathrm{d}^{k} u / \mathrm{d} x^{k} and ηk\eta_{k} are functions to be determined.

The curvature of the curve u=u(x)u=u(x) in the (x,u)(x, u)-plane is given by

κ=uxx(1+ux2)3/2\kappa=\frac{u_{x x}}{\left(1+u_{x}^{2}\right)^{3 / 2}}

Rotations in the (x,u)(x, u)-plane are generated by the vector field

W=xuuxW=x \frac{\partial}{\partial u}-u \frac{\partial}{\partial x}

Show that the curvature κ\kappa at a point along a plane curve is invariant under such rotations. Find two further transformations that leave κ\kappa invariant.

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