Paper 3, Section II, D

General Relativity | Part II, 2016

For a spacetime that is nearly flat, the metric gabg_{a b} can be expressed in the form

gab=ηab+habg_{a b}=\eta_{a b}+h_{a b}

where ηab\eta_{a b} is a flat metric (not necessarily diagonal) with constant components, and the components of habh_{a b} and their derivatives are small. Show that

2Rbdhda,ba+hba,daha,bdahbd,acηac2 R_{b d} \approx h_{d}^{a}, b a+h_{b}^{a}, d a-h_{a, b d}^{a}-h_{b d, a c} \eta^{a c}

where indices are raised and lowered using ηab\eta_{a b}.

[You may assume that Rbcda=Γbd,caΓbc,da+ΓceaΓdbeΓdeaΓcbe.]\left.R_{b c d}^{a}=\Gamma_{b d, c}^{a}-\Gamma_{b c, d}^{a}+\Gamma_{c e}^{a} \Gamma_{d b}^{e}-\Gamma_{d e}^{a} \Gamma_{c b}^{e} .\right]

For the line element

ds2=2dudv+dx2+dy2+H(u,x,y)du2,d s^{2}=2 d u d v+d x^{2}+d y^{2}+H(u, x, y) d u^{2},

where HH and its derivatives are small, show that the linearised vacuum field equations reduce to 2H=0\nabla^{2} H=0, where 2\nabla^{2} is the two-dimensional Laplacian operator in xx and yy.

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