Paper 3, Section II, C

Cosmology | Part II, 2016

The early universe is described by equations (with units such that c=8πG==1c=8 \pi G=\hbar=1 )

3H2=ρ,ρ˙+3H(ρ+p)=03 H^{2}=\rho, \quad \dot{\rho}+3 H(\rho+p)=0

where H=a˙/aH=\dot{a} / a. The universe contains only a self-interacting scalar field ϕ\phi with interaction potential V(ϕ)V(\phi) so that the density and pressure are given by

ρ=12ϕ˙2+V(ϕ)p=12ϕ˙2V(ϕ).\begin{aligned} \rho &=\frac{1}{2} \dot{\phi}^{2}+V(\phi) \\ p &=\frac{1}{2} \dot{\phi}^{2}-V(\phi) . \end{aligned}

Show that

ϕ¨+3Hϕ˙+V(ϕ)=0\ddot{\phi}+3 H \dot{\phi}+V^{\prime}(\phi)=0

Explain the slow-roll approximation and apply it to equations (1) and (2) to show that it leads to

3VVdϕ=t+ const. \sqrt{3} \int \frac{\sqrt{V}}{V^{\prime}} d \phi=-t+\text { const. }

If V(ϕ)=14λϕ4V(\phi)=\frac{1}{4} \lambda \phi^{4} with λ\lambda a positive constant and ϕ(0)=ϕ0\phi(0)=\phi_{0}, show that

ϕ(t)=ϕ0exp[4λ3t]\phi(t)=\phi_{0} \exp \left[-\sqrt{\frac{4 \lambda}{3}} t\right]

and that, for small tt, the scale factor a(t)a(t) expands to leading order in tt as

a(t)exp[λ12ϕ02t]a(t) \propto \exp \left[\sqrt{\frac{\lambda}{12}} \phi_{0}^{2} t\right]

Comment on the relevance of this result for inflationary cosmology.

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