Paper 3, Section I, C

Cosmology | Part II, 2016

A universe contains baryonic matter with background density ρB(t)\rho_{B}(t) and density inhomogeneity δB(x,t)\delta_{B}(\mathbf{x}, t), together with non-baryonic dark matter with background density ρD(t)\rho_{D}(t) and density inhomogeneity δD(x,t)\delta_{D}(\mathbf{x}, t). After the epoch of radiation-matter density equality, teqt_{\mathrm{eq}}, the background dynamics are governed by

H=23t and ρD=16πGt2H=\frac{2}{3 t} \quad \text { and } \quad \rho_{D}=\frac{1}{6 \pi G t^{2}}

where HH is the Hubble parameter.

The dark-matter density is much greater than the baryonic density (ρDρB)\left(\rho_{D} \gg \rho_{B}\right) and so the time-evolution of the coupled density perturbations, at any point x\mathbf{x}, is described by the equations

δ¨B+2Hδ˙B=4πGρDδDδ¨D+2Hδ˙D=4πGρDδD\begin{aligned} &\ddot{\delta}_{B}+2 H \dot{\delta}_{B}=4 \pi G \rho_{D} \delta_{D} \\ &\ddot{\delta}_{D}+2 H \dot{\delta}_{D}=4 \pi G \rho_{D} \delta_{D} \end{aligned}

Show that

δD=αt+βt2/3\delta_{D}=\frac{\alpha}{t}+\beta t^{2 / 3}

where α\alpha and β\beta are independent of time. Neglecting modes in δD\delta_{D} and δB\delta_{B} that decay with increasing time, show that the baryonic density inhomogeneity approaches

δB=βt2/3+γ\delta_{B}=\beta t^{2 / 3}+\gamma

where γ\gamma is independent of time.

Briefly comment on the significance of your calculation for the growth of baryonic density inhomogeneities in the early universe.

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