Paper 2, Section I, C

Cosmology | Part II, 2016

A spherical cloud of mass MM has radius r(t)r(t) and initial radius r(0)=Rr(0)=R. It contains material with uniform mass density ρ(t)\rho(t), and zero pressure. Ignoring the cosmological constant, show that if it is initially at rest at t=0t=0 and the subsequent gravitational collapse is governed by Newton's law r¨=GM/r2\ddot{r}=-G M / r^{2}, then

r˙2=2GM(1r1R).\dot{r}^{2}=2 G M\left(\frac{1}{r}-\frac{1}{R}\right) .

Suppose rr is given parametrically by

r=Rcos2θr=R \cos ^{2} \theta

where θ=0\theta=0 at t=0t=0. Derive a relation between θ\theta and tt and hence show that the cloud collapses to radius r=0r=0 at

t=3π32Gρ0,t=\sqrt{\frac{3 \pi}{32 G \rho_{0}}},

where ρ0\rho_{0} is the initial mass density of the cloud.

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