Paper 4, Section II, H

Algebraic Geometry | Part II, 2016

(a) Let CC be a smooth projective curve, and let DD be an effective divisor on CC. Explain how DD defines a morphism ϕD\phi_{D} from CC to some projective space.

State a necessary and sufficient condition on DD so that the pull-back of a hyperplane via ϕD\phi_{D} is an element of the linear system D|D|.

State necessary and sufficient conditions for ϕD\phi_{D} to be an isomorphism onto its image.

(b) Let CC now have genus 2 , and let KK be an effective canonical divisor. Show that the morphism ϕK\phi_{K} is a morphism of degree 2 from CC to P1\mathbb{P}^{1}.

Consider the divisor K+P1+P2K+P_{1}+P_{2} for points PiP_{i} with P1+P2KP_{1}+P_{2} \nsim K. Show that the linear system associated to this divisor induces a morphism ϕ\phi from CC to a quartic curve in P2\mathbb{P}^{2}. Show furthermore that ϕ(P)=ϕ(Q)\phi(P)=\phi(Q), with PQP \neq Q, if and only if {P,Q}={P1,P2}\{P, Q\}=\left\{P_{1}, P_{2}\right\}.

[You may assume the Riemann-Roch theorem.]

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