Paper 4, Section II, 10I

Number Theory | Part II, 2016

(a) Define Euler's totient function ϕ(n)\phi(n) and show that dnϕ(d)=n\sum_{d \mid n} \phi(d)=n.

(b) State Lagrange's theorem concerning roots of polynomials mod pp.

(c) Let pp be a prime. Proving any results you need about primitive roots, show that xm1(modp)x^{m} \equiv 1(\bmod p) has exactly (m,p1)(m, p-1) roots.

(d) Show that if pp and 3p23 p-2 are both primes then N=p(3p2)N=p(3 p-2) is a Fermat pseudoprime for precisely a third of all bases.

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