Part II, 2014, Paper 3
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Paper 3, Section II, H
commentLet be a polynomial with distinct roots, , char , and let be the projective closure of the affine curve
Show that is smooth, with a single point at .
Pick an appropriate and compute the valuation for all .
Hence determine .
Paper 3, Section II, F
commentLet be a simplicial complex in , which we may also consider as lying in using the first coordinates. Write . Show that if is a simplex of then is a simplex in .
Let be a subcomplex and let be the collection
of simplices in . Show that is a simplicial complex.
If is a Möbius band, and is its boundary, show that
Paper 3, Section II, A
commentIn the nearly-free electron model a particle of mass moves in one dimension in a periodic potential of the form , where is a dimensionless coupling and has a Fourier series
with coefficients obeying for all .
Ignoring any degeneracies in the spectrum, the exact energy of a Bloch state with wavenumber can be expanded in powers of as
where is a normalised eigenstate of the free Hamiltonian with momentum and energy .
Working on a finite interval of length , where is a positive integer, we impose periodic boundary conditions on the wavefunction:
What are the allowed values of the wavenumbers and which appear in (1)? For these values evaluate the matrix element .
For what values of and does (1) cease to be a good approximation? Explain your answer. Quoting any results you need from degenerate perturbation theory, calculate to the location and width of the gaps between allowed energy bands for the periodic potential , in terms of the Fourier coefficients .
Hence work out the allowed energy bands for the following potentials:
Paper 3, Section II, J
comment(i) Define a Poisson process with intensity . Specify without justification the distribution of . Let denote the jump times of . Derive the joint distribution of given .
(ii) Let be a Poisson process with intensity and let be a sequence of i.i.d. random variables, independent of , all having the same distribution as a random variable . Show that if is a real-valued function of real variables , and are the jump times of then
for all . [Hint: Condition on and , using (i).]
(iii) A university library is open from 9 am to . Students arrive at times of a Poisson process with intensity . Each student spends a random amount of time in the library, independently of the other students. These times are identically distributed for all students and have the same distribution as a random variable . Show that the number of students in the library at is a Poisson random variable with a mean that you should specify.
Paper 3, Section II, C
comment(a) Find the Stokes ray for the function as with , where
(b) Describe how the leading-order asymptotic behaviour as of
may be found by the method of stationary phase, where and are real functions and the integral is taken along the real line. You should consider the cases for which:
(i) is non-zero in and has a simple zero at .
(ii) is non-zero apart from having one simple zero at , where .
(iii) has more than one simple zero in with and .
Use the method of stationary phase to find the leading-order asymptotic form as of
[You may assume that
Paper 3, Section I, A
comment(a) The action for a one-dimensional dynamical system with a generalized coordinate and Lagrangian is given by
State the principle of least action. Write the expression for the Hamiltonian in terms of the generalized velocity , the generalized momentum and the Lagrangian . Use it to derive Hamilton's equations from the principle of least action.
(b) The motion of a particle of charge and mass in an electromagnetic field with scalar potential and vector potential is characterized by the Lagrangian
(i) Write down the Hamiltonian of the particle.
(ii) Consider a particle which moves in three dimensions in a magnetic field with , where is a constant. There is no electric field. Obtain Hamilton's equations for the particle.
Paper 3, Section I, I
commentLet be a random variable that takes values in the finite alphabet . Prove that there is a decodable binary code that satisfies
where is the length of the code word and is the entropy of .
Is it always possible to find such a code with Justify your answer.
Paper 3, Section I, E
commentConsider a finite sphere of zero-pressure material of uniform density which expands with radius , where is an arbitary constant, due to the evolution of the expansion scale factor . The sphere has constant total mass and its radius satisfies
with constant. Show that the scale factor obeys the equation
where is a constant. Explain why the sign, but not the magnitude, of is important. Find exact solutions of this equation for when
(i) and ,
(ii) and ,
(iii) and .
Which two of the solutions (i)-(iii) are relevant for describing the evolution of the universe after the radiation-dominated era?
Paper 3, Section II, E
commentThe luminosity distance to an astronomical light source is given by , where is the expansion scale factor and is the comoving distance in the universe defined by . A zero-curvature Friedmann universe containing pressure-free matter and a cosmological constant with density parameters and , respectively, obeys the Friedmann equation
where is the Hubble expansion rate of the universe and the subscript 0 denotes present-day values, with .
If is the redshift, show that
Find when and when . Roughly sketch the form of for these two cases. What is the effect of a cosmological constant on the luminosity distance at a fixed value of ? Briefly describe how the relation between luminosity distance and redshift has been used to establish the acceleration of the expansion of the universe.
Paper 3, Section II, G
commentLet be a parametrized curve on a smooth embedded surface . Define what is meant by a vector field along and the concept of such a vector field being parallel. If and are both parallel vector fields along , show that the inner product is constant.
Given a local parametrization , define the Christoffel symbols on . Given a vector , prove that there exists a unique parallel vector field along with (recall that is called the parallel transport of along ).
Suppose now that the image of also lies on another smooth embedded surface and that for all . Show that parallel transport of a vector is the same whether calculated on or . Suppose is the unit sphere in with centre at the origin and let be the curve on given by
for some fixed angle . Suppose is the unit tangent vector to at and let be its image in under parallel transport along . Show that the angle between and is .
[Hint: You may find it useful to consider the circular cone which touches the sphere along the curve .]
Paper 3, Section , D
commentDefine the Poincaré index of a closed curve for a vector field .
Explain carefully why the index of is fully determined by the fixed points of the dynamical system that lie within .
What is the Poincaré index for a closed curve if it (a) encloses only a saddle point, (b) encloses only a focus and (c) encloses only a node?
What is the Poincaré index for a closed curve that is a periodic trajectory of the dynamical system?
A dynamical system in has 2 saddle points, 1 focus and 1 node. What is the maximum number of different periodic orbits? [For the purposes of this question, two orbits are said to be different if they enclose different sets of fixed points.]
Paper 3, Section II, D
commentLet be a continuous one-dimensional map of an interval . Explain what is meant by saying that has a horseshoe.
A map on the interval is a tent map if
(i) and ;
(ii) for some with is linear and increasing on the interval , linear and decreasing on the interval , and continuous at .
Consider the tent map defined on the interval by
with . Find the corresponding expressions for .
Find the non-zero fixed point and the points that satisfy
Sketch graphs of and showing the points corresponding to and . Indicate the values of and at their maxima and minima and also the gradients of each piece of their graphs.
Identify a subinterval of on which is a tent map. Hence demonstrate that has a horseshoe if .
Explain briefly why has a horseshoe when .
Why are there periodic points of arbitrarily close to for , but no such points for ? Explain carefully any results or terms that you use.
Paper 3, Section II, C
commentThe 4-vector potential (in the Lorenz gauge ) due to a localised source with conserved 4-vector current is
where . For a source that varies slowly in time, show that the spatial components of at a distance that is large compared to the spatial extent of the source are
where is the electric dipole moment of the source, which you should define. Explain what is meant by the far-field region, and calculate the leading-order part of the magnetic field there.
A point charge moves non-relativistically in a circle of radius in the plane with angular frequency (such that ). Show that the magnetic field in the far-field at the point with spherical polar coordinates and has components along the and directions given by
Calculate the total power radiated by the charge.
Paper 3, Section II, B
commentA rigid sphere of radius falls under gravity through an incompressible fluid of density and viscosity towards a rigid horizontal plane. The minimum gap between the sphere and the plane satisfies . Find an approximation for the gap thickness between the sphere and the plane in the region , where is the distance from the axis of symmetry.
For a prescribed value of , use lubrication theory to find the radial velocity and the fluid pressure in the region . Explain why the approximations of lubrication theory require and .
Calculate the total vertical force due to the motion that is exerted by the fluid on the sphere. Deduce that if the sphere is settling under its own weight (corrected for buoyancy) then decreases exponentially. What is the exponential decay rate for a solid sphere of density in a fluid of density ?
Paper 3, Section I, B
commentState the conditions for a point to be a regular singular point of a linear second-order homogeneous ordinary differential equation in the complex plane.
Find all singular points of the Airy equation
and determine whether they are regular or irregular.
Paper 3, Section II, H
commentLet be an algebraic extension of fields, and . What does it mean to say that is separable over ? What does it mean to say that is separable?
Let be the field of rational functions over .
(i) Show that if is inseparable over then contains a th root of .
(ii) Show that if is finite there exists and such that and is separable.
Show that is an irreducible separable polynomial over the field of rational functions . Find the degree of the splitting field of over .
Paper 3, Section II,
commentThe vector field is the normalised tangent to a congruence of timelike geodesics, and .
Show that:
(i) ;
(ii) .
[You may use the Ricci identity .]
Now assume that is symmetric and let . By writing , or otherwise, show that
where and . [You may use without proof the result that \left.\widetilde{B}_{a b} \widetilde{B}^{a b} \geqslant 0 .\right]
Assume, in addition, that the stress-energy tensor takes the perfect-fluid form and that . Show that
and deduce that, if , then will become unbounded for some value of less than .
Paper 3, Section I, F
commentLet denote the hyperbolic plane, and be a non-degenerate triangle, i.e. the bounded region enclosed by three finite-length geodesic arcs. Prove that the three angle bisectors of meet at a point.
Must the three vertices of lie on a hyperbolic circle? Justify your answer.
Paper 3, Section II, I
commentProve that for every graph . Prove further that, if , then unless is complete.
Let . A graph is said to be -critical if , but for every vertex of . Show that, if is -critical, then .
Let , and let be the graph with an edge removed. Show that has the following property: it has two vertices which receive the same colour in every -colouring of . By considering two copies of , construct a -colourable graph of order with the following property: it has three vertices which receive the same colour in every -colouring of .
Construct, for all integers and , a -critical graph of order with
Paper 3, Section II, D
commentWhat does it mean to say that a finite-dimensional Hamiltonian system is integrable? State the Arnold-Liouville theorem.
A six-dimensional dynamical system with coordinates is governed by the differential equations
for , where are positive constants. Show that these equations can be written in the form
for an appropriate function . By introducing the coordinates
show that the system can be written in Hamiltonian form
for some Hamiltonian which you should determine.
Show that the three functions
are first integrals of the Hamiltonian system.
Making use of the fundamental Poisson brackets and , show that
Hence show that the Hamiltonian system is integrable.
Paper 3, Section II, G
comment(i) State carefully the theorems of Stone-Weierstrass and Arzelá-Ascoli (work with real scalars only).
(ii) Let denote the family of functions on of the form
where the are real and for all . Prove that any sequence in has a subsequence that converges uniformly on .
(iii) Let be a continuous function such that and exists. Show that for each there exists a real polynomial having only odd powers, i.e. of the form
such that . Show that the same holds without the assumption that is differentiable at 0 .
Paper 3, Section II, I
commentExplain what is meant by a structure for a first-order signature , and describe briefly how first-order terms and formulae in the language over are interpreted in a structure. Suppose that and are -structures, and that is a conjunction of atomic formulae over : show that an -tuple belongs to the interpretation of in if and only if and .
A first-order theory is called regular if its axioms all have the form
where and are (possibly empty) strings of variables and and are conjunctions of atomic formulae (possibly the empty conjunction ). Show that if and are models of a regular theory , then so is .
Now suppose that is a regular theory, and that a sentence of the form
is derivable from the axioms of , where and the are conjunctions of atomic formulae. Show that the sentence is derivable for some . [Hint: Suppose not, and use the Completeness Theorem to obtain a suitable family of -models .]
Paper 3, Section , B
commentAn epidemic model is given by
where are the susceptibles, are the infecteds, and and are positive parameters. The basic reproduction ratio is defined as , where is the total population size. Find a condition on for an epidemic to be possible if, initially, and is small but non-zero.
Now suppose a proportion of the population was vaccinated (with a completely effective vaccine) so that initially . On a sketch of the plane, mark the regions where an epidemic is still possible, where the vaccination will prevent an epidemic, and where no vaccination was necessary.
For the case when an epidemic is possible, show that , the proportion of the initially susceptible population that has not been infected by the end of an epidemic, satisfies
Paper 3, Section II, B
commentA discrete-time model for breathing is given by
where is the volume of each breath in time step and is the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood at the end of time step . The parameters and are all positive. Briefly explain the biological meaning of each of the above equations.
Find the steady state. For and determine the stability of the steady state.
For general (integer) , by seeking parameter values when the modulus of a perturbation to the steady state is constant, find the range of parameters where the solution is stable. What is the periodicity of the constant-modulus solution at the edge of this range? Comment on how the size of the range depends on .
This can be developed into a more realistic model by changing the term to in (2). Briefly explain the biological meaning of this change. Show that for both and the new steady state is stable if , where .
Paper 3, Section I,
commentShow that the continued fraction for is .
Hence, or otherwise, find positive integers and that satisfy the equation
Are there integers and such that ?
Paper 3, Section II, F
commentState and prove Lagrange's theorem about polynomial congruences modulo a prime.
Define the Euler totient function .
Let be a prime and let be a positive divisor of . Show that there are exactly elements of with order
Deduce that is cyclic.
Let be a primitive root modulo . Show that must be a primitive root modulo .
Let be a primitive root modulo . Must it be a primitive root modulo ? Give a proof or a counterexample.
Paper 3, Section II, D
commentConsider the linear system
where and .
(i) Define the Jacobi iteration method with relaxation parameter for solving (1).
(ii) Assume that is a symmetric positive-definite matrix whose diagonal part is such that the matrix is also positive definite. Prove that the relaxed Jacobi iteration method always converges if the relaxation parameter is equal to
(iii) Let be the tridiagonal matrix with diagonal elements and off-diagonal elements , where . For which values of (expressed in terms of and ) does the relaxed Jacobi iteration method converge? What choice of gives the optimal convergence speed?
[You may quote without proof any relevant results about the convergence of iterative methods and about the eigenvalues of matrices.]
Paper 3, Section II, J
commentA particle follows a discrete-time trajectory on given by
for , where is a fixed integer, is a real constant, is the position of the particle and is the control action at time , and is a sequence of independent random vectors with and .
Find the closed-loop control, i.e. the control action defined as a function of , that minimizes
where is given. [Note that this function is quadratic in , but linear in .]
Does the closed-loop control depend on or on ? Deduce the form of the optimal open-loop control.
Paper 3, Section II, D
comment(a) Consider variable-coefficient operators of the form
whose coefficients are defined on a bounded open set with smooth boundary . Let satisfy the condition of uniform ellipticity, namely
for suitably chosen positive numbers .
State and prove the weak maximum principle for solutions of . [Any results from linear algebra and calculus needed in your proof should be stated clearly, but need not be proved.]
(b) Consider the nonlinear elliptic equation
for satisfying the additional condition
Assume that . Prove that any two solutions of (1) which also satisfy (2) are equal.
Now let be a solution of and (2). Prove that if for all then for all . Prove that if then for all .
Paper 3, Section II, A
commentLet and denote the standard angular-momentum operators and states so that, in units where ,
Show that is unitary. Define
Find expressions for and as linear combinations of and . Briefly explain why represents a rotation of through angle about the 2-axis.
Show that
Express as a linear combination of the states . By expressing in terms of , use to determine the coefficients in this expansion.
A particle of spin 1 is in the state at time . It is subject to the Hamiltonian
where . At time the value of is measured and found to be . At time the value of is measured again and found to be . Show that the joint probability for these two values to be measured is
[The following result may be quoted:
Paper 3, Section II, J
commentState and prove Wilks' theorem about testing the simple hypothesis , against the alternative , in a one-dimensional regular parametric model . [You may use without proof the results from lectures on the consistency and asymptotic distribution of maximum likelihood estimators, as well as on uniform laws of large numbers. Necessary regularity conditions can be assumed without statement.]
Find the maximum likelihood estimator based on i.i.d. observations in a -model, . Deduce the limit distribution as of the sequence of statistics
where and are i.i.d. .
Paper 3, Section II, K
comment(i) Let be a measure space. What does it mean to say that a function is a measure-preserving transformation?
What does it mean to say that is ergodic?
State Birkhoff's almost everywhere ergodic theorem.
(ii) Consider the set equipped with its Borel -algebra and Lebesgue measure. Fix an irrational number and define by
where addition in each coordinate is understood to be modulo 1 . Show that is a measurepreserving transformation. Is ergodic? Justify your answer.
Let be an integrable function on and let be the invariant function associated with by Birkhoff's theorem. Write down a formula for in terms of . [You are not expected to justify this answer.]
Paper 3, Section II, H
comment(i) State Frobenius' theorem for transitive permutation groups acting on a finite set. Define Frobenius group and show that any finite Frobenius group (with an appropriate action) satisfies the hypotheses of Frobenius' theorem.
(ii) Consider the group
where is prime, divides ( not necessarily prime), and has multiplicative order modulo (such elements exist since divides . Let be the subgroup of consisting of the powers of , so that . Write , and let be coset representatives for in .
(a) Show that has conjugacy classes and that a complete list of the classes comprises and .
(b) By observing that the derived subgroup , find 1-dimensional characters of . [Appropriate results may be quoted without proof.]
(c) Let . For denote by the character of defined by . By inducing these characters to , or otherwise, find distinct irreducible characters of degree .
Paper 3, Section II, H
commentState the Uniformization Theorem.
Show that any domain of whose complement has more than one point is uniformized by the unit disc [You may use the fact that for the group of automorphisms consists of Möbius transformations, and for it consists of maps of the form with and .
Let be the torus , where is a lattice. Given , show that is uniformized by the unit .
Is it true that a holomorphic map from to a compact Riemann surface of genus two must be constant? Justify your answer.
Paper 3, Section I,
commentIn an experiment to study factors affecting the production of the plastic polyvinyl chloride , three experimenters each used eight devices to produce the PVC and measured the sizes of the particles produced. For each of the 24 combinations of device and experimenter, two size measurements were obtained.
The experimenters and devices used for each of the 48 measurements are stored in as factors in the objects experimenter and device respectively, with the measurements themselves stored in the vector psize. The following analysis was performed in .
Let and denote the design matrices obtained by model.matrix(fit) and model.matrix (fit0) respectively, and let denote the response psize. Let and denote orthogonal projections onto the column spaces of and respectively.
For each of the following quantities, write down their numerical values if they appear in the analysis of variance table above; otherwise write 'unknown'.
Out of the two models that have been fitted, which appears to be the more appropriate for the data according to the analysis performed, and why?
Paper 3, Section II, E
commentIn the grand canonical ensemble, at temperature and chemical potential , what is the probability of finding a system in a state with energy and particle number ?
A particle with spin degeneracy and mass moves in spatial dimensions with dispersion relation . Compute the density of states . [You may denote the area of a unit -dimensional sphere as .]
Treating the particles as non-interacting fermions, determine the energy of a gas in terms of the pressure and volume .
Derive an expression for the Fermi energy in terms of the number density of particles. Compute the degeneracy pressure at zero temperature in terms of the number of particles and the Fermi energy.
Show that at high temperatures the gas obeys the ideal gas law (up to small corrections which you need not compute).
Paper 3, Section II,
commentDerive the Black-Scholes formula for the time- 0 price of a European call option with expiry and strike written on an asset with volatility and time-0 price , and where is the riskless rate of interest. Explain what is meant by the delta hedge for this option, and determine it explicitly.
In terms of the Black-Scholes call option price formula , find the time- 0 price of a forward-starting option, which pays at time , where and are given. Find the price of an option which pays at time . How would this option be hedged?
Paper 3, Section I, G
commentState Runge's theorem about uniform approximation of holomorphic functions by polynomials.
Let be the subset of non-negative real numbers and let
Prove that there is a sequence of complex polynomials which converges to the function uniformly on each compact subset of .
Paper 3, Section II, G
commentDefine what is meant by a nowhere dense set in a metric space. State a version of the Baire Category Theorem. Show that any complete non-empty metric space without isolated points is uncountable.
Let be the set of real numbers whose decimal expansion does not use the digit 6 . (A terminating decimal representation is used when it exists.) Show that there exists a real number which cannot be written as with and .
Paper 3, Section II, 39C
The equations describing small-amplitude motions in a stably stratified, incompressible, inviscid fluid are