Paper 2, Section II, F

Number Fields | Part II, 2014

(i) Show that each prime ideal in a number field KK divides a unique rational prime pp. Define the ramification index and residue class degree of such an ideal. State and prove a formula relating these numbers, for all prime ideals dividing a given rational prime pp, to the degree of KK over Q\mathbb{Q}.

(ii) Show that if ζn\zeta_{n} is a primitive nnth root of unity then j=1n1(1ζnj)=n\prod_{j=1}^{n-1}\left(1-\zeta_{n}^{j}\right)=n. Deduce that if n=pqn=p q, where pp and qq are distinct primes, then 1ζn1-\zeta_{n} is a unit in Z[ζn]\mathbb{Z}\left[\zeta_{n}\right].

(iii) Show that if K=Q(ζp)K=\mathbb{Q}\left(\zeta_{p}\right) where pp is prime, then any prime ideal of KK dividing pp has ramification index at least p1p-1. Deduce that [K:Q]=p1[K: \mathbb{Q}]=p-1.

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