Paper 3, Section II, B

Mathematical Biology | Part II, 2014

An epidemic model is given by

dSdt=rISdIdt=+rISaI\begin{aligned} &\frac{d S}{d t}=-r I S \\ &\frac{d I}{d t}=+r I S-a I \end{aligned}

where S(t)S(t) are the susceptibles, I(t)I(t) are the infecteds, and aa and rr are positive parameters. The basic reproduction ratio is defined as R0=rN/aR_{0}=r N / a, where NN is the total population size. Find a condition on R0R_{0} for an epidemic to be possible if, initially, SNS \approx N and II is small but non-zero.

Now suppose a proportion pp of the population was vaccinated (with a completely effective vaccine) so that initially S(1p)NS \approx(1-p) N. On a sketch of the (R0,p)\left(R_{0}, p\right) plane, mark the regions where an epidemic is still possible, where the vaccination will prevent an epidemic, and where no vaccination was necessary.

For the case when an epidemic is possible, show that σ\sigma, the proportion of the initially susceptible population that has not been infected by the end of an epidemic, satisfies

σ1(1p)R0logσ1\sigma-\frac{1}{(1-p) R_{0}} \log \sigma \approx 1

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