Paper 2, Section II, G

Linear Analysis | Part II, 2014

(a) Let XX and YY be Banach spaces, and let T:XYT: X \rightarrow Y be a surjective linear map. Assume that there is a constant c>0c>0 such that Txcx\|T x\| \geqslant c\|x\| for all xXx \in X. Show that TT is continuous. [You may use any standard result from general Banach space theory provided you clearly state it.] Give an example to show that the assumption that XX and YY are complete is necessary.

(b) Let CC be a closed subset of a Banach space XX such that

(i) x1+x2Cx_{1}+x_{2} \in C for each x1,x2Cx_{1}, x_{2} \in C;

(ii) λxC\lambda x \in C for each xCx \in C and λ>0\lambda>0;

(iii) for each xXx \in X, there exist x1,x2Cx_{1}, x_{2} \in C such that x=x1x2x=x_{1}-x_{2}.

Prove that, for some M>0M>0, the unit ball of XX is contained in the closure of the set

{x1x2:xiC,xiM(i=1,2)}.\left\{x_{1}-x_{2}: x_{i} \in C, \quad\left\|x_{i}\right\| \leqslant M(i=1,2)\right\} .

[You may use without proof any version of the Baire Category Theorem.] Deduce that, for some K>0K>0, every xXx \in X can be written as x=x1x2x=x_{1}-x_{2} with xiCx_{i} \in C and xiKx(i=1,2).\left\|x_{i}\right\| \leqslant K\|x\|(i=1,2) .

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