Paper 4, Section II, E

General Relativity | Part II, 2014

A plane-wave spacetime has line element

ds2=Hdu2+2dudv+dx2+dy2d s^{2}=H d u^{2}+2 d u d v+d x^{2}+d y^{2}

where H=x2y2H=x^{2}-y^{2}. Show that the line element is unchanged by the coordinate transformation

u=uˉ,v=vˉ+xˉeuˉ12e2uˉ,x=xˉeuˉ,y=yˉu=\bar{u}, \quad v=\bar{v}+\bar{x} e^{\bar{u}}-\frac{1}{2} e^{2 \bar{u}}, \quad x=\bar{x}-e^{\bar{u}}, \quad y=\bar{y}

Show more generally that the line element is unchanged by coordinate transformations of the form

u=uˉ+a,v=vˉ+bxˉ+c,x=xˉ+p,y=yˉu=\bar{u}+a, \quad v=\bar{v}+b \bar{x}+c, \quad x=\bar{x}+p, \quad y=\bar{y}

where a,b,ca, b, c and pp are functions of uˉ\bar{u}, which you should determine and which depend in total on four parameters (arbitrary constants of integration).

Deduce (without further calculation) that the line element is unchanged by a 6parameter family of coordinate transformations, of which a 5 -parameter family leave invariant the surfaces u=u= constant.

For a general coordinate transformation xa=xa(xˉb)x^{a}=x^{a}\left(\bar{x}^{b}\right), give an expression for the transformed Ricci tensor Rˉcd\bar{R}_{c d} in terms of the Ricci tensor RabR_{a b} and the transformation matrices xaxˉc\frac{\partial x^{a}}{\partial \bar{x}^{c}}. Calculate Rˉxˉxˉ\bar{R}_{\bar{x} \bar{x}} when the transformation is given by ()(*) and deduce that Rvv=RvxR_{v v}=R_{v x}

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