Paper 1, Section II, B

Fluid Dynamics II | Part II, 2014

A particle of arbitrary shape and volume 4πa3/34 \pi a^{3} / 3 moves at velocity U(t)\mathbf{U}(t) through an unbounded incompressible fluid of density ρ\rho and viscosity μ\mu. The Reynolds number of the flow is very small so that the inertia of the fluid can be neglected. Show that the particle experiences a force F(t)\mathbf{F}(t) due to the surface stresses given by

Fi(t)=μaAijUj(t)F_{i}(t)=-\mu a A_{i j} U_{j}(t)

where AijA_{i j} is a dimensionless second-rank tensor determined solely by the shape and orientation of the particle. State the reason why AijA_{i j} must be positive definite.

Show further that, if the particle has the same reflectional symmetries as a cube, then

Aij=λδijA_{i j}=\lambda \delta_{i j}

Let bb be the radius of the smallest sphere that contains the particle (still assuming cubic symmetry). By considering the Stokes flow associated with this sphere, suitably extended, and using the minimum dissipation theorem (which should be stated carefully), show that

λ6πb/a.\lambda \leqslant 6 \pi b / a .

[You may assume the expression for the Stokes drag on a sphere.]

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