Paper 4, Section II, B

Fluid Dynamics II | Part II, 2014

An incompressible fluid of density ρ\rho and kinematic viscosity ν\nu is confined in a channel with rigid stationary walls at y=±hy=\pm h. A spatially uniform pressure gradient Gcosωt-G \cos \omega t is applied in the xx-direction. What is the physical significance of the dimensionless number S=ωh2/ν?S=\omega h^{2} / \nu ?

Assuming that the flow is unidirectional and time-harmonic, obtain expressions for the velocity profile and the total flux. [You may leave your answers as the real parts of complex functions.]

In each of the limits S0S \rightarrow 0 and SS \rightarrow \infty, find and sketch the flow profiles, find leading-order asymptotic expressions for the total flux, and give a physical interpretation.

Suppose now that G=0G=0 and that the channel walls oscillate in their own plane with velocity UcosωtU \cos \omega t in the xx-direction. Without explicit calculation of the solution, sketch the flow profile in each of the limits S0S \rightarrow 0 and SS \rightarrow \infty.

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