Paper 2, Section I, D

Dynamical Systems | Part II, 2014

Consider the system

x˙=x+y+y2y˙=μxy\begin{aligned} \dot{x} &=-x+y+y^{2} \\ \dot{y} &=\mu-x y \end{aligned}

Show that when μ=0\mu=0 the fixed point at the origin has a stationary bifurcation.

Find the centre subspace of the extended system linearised about (x,y,μ)=(0,0,0)(x, y, \mu)=(0,0,0).

Find an approximation to the centre manifold giving yy as a function of xx and μ\mu, including terms up to quadratic order.

Hence deduce an expression for x˙\dot{x} on the centre manifold, and identify the type of bifurcation at μ=0\mu=0.

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