Paper 4, Section I, A

Classical Dynamics | Part II, 2014

Consider a heavy symmetric top of mass MM with principal moments of inertia I1I_{1}, I2I_{2} and I3I_{3}, where I1=I2I3I_{1}=I_{2} \neq I_{3}. The top is pinned at point PP, which is at a distance ll from the centre of mass, CC, as shown in the figure.

Its angular velocity in a body frame (e1,e2,e3)\left(\mathbf{e}_{\mathbf{1}}, \mathbf{e}_{\mathbf{2}}, \mathbf{e}_{\mathbf{3}}\right) is given by

ω=[ϕ˙sinθsinψ+θ˙cosψ]e1+[ϕ˙sinθcosψθ˙sinψ]e2+[ψ˙+ϕ˙cosθ]e3\boldsymbol{\omega}=[\dot{\phi} \sin \theta \sin \psi+\dot{\theta} \cos \psi] \mathbf{e}_{1}+[\dot{\phi} \sin \theta \cos \psi-\dot{\theta} \sin \psi] \mathbf{e}_{2}+[\dot{\psi}+\dot{\phi} \cos \theta] \mathbf{e}_{3}

where ϕ,θ\phi, \theta and ψ\psi are the Euler angles.

(a) Assuming that {ea},a=1,2,3\left\{\mathbf{e}_{a}\right\}, a=1,2,3, are chosen to be the principal axes, write down the Lagrangian of the top in terms of ωa\omega_{a} and the principal moments of inertia. Hence find the Lagrangian in terms of the Euler angles.

(b) Find all conserved quantities. Show that ω3\omega_{3}, the spin of the top, is constant.

(c) By eliminating ϕ˙\dot{\phi} and ψ˙\dot{\psi}, derive a second-order differential equation for θ\theta.

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