Paper 3, Section II, C

Asymptotic Methods | Part II, 2014

(a) Find the Stokes ray for the function f(z)f(z) as z0z \rightarrow 0 with 0<argz<π0<\arg z<\pi, where

f(z)=sinh(z1)f(z)=\sinh \left(z^{-1}\right)

(b) Describe how the leading-order asymptotic behaviour as xx \rightarrow \infty of

I(x)=abf(t)eixg(t)dtI(x)=\int_{a}^{b} f(t) e^{i x g(t)} d t

may be found by the method of stationary phase, where ff and gg are real functions and the integral is taken along the real line. You should consider the cases for which:

(i) g(t)g^{\prime}(t) is non-zero in [a,b)[a, b) and has a simple zero at t=bt=b.

(ii) g(t)g^{\prime}(t) is non-zero apart from having one simple zero at t=t0t=t_{0}, where a<t0<ba<t_{0}<b.

(iii) g(t)g^{\prime}(t) has more than one simple zero in (a,b)(a, b) with g(a)0g^{\prime}(a) \neq 0 and g(b)0g^{\prime}(b) \neq 0.

Use the method of stationary phase to find the leading-order asymptotic form as xx \rightarrow \infty of

J(x)=01cos(x(t4t2))dtJ(x)=\int_{0}^{1} \cos \left(x\left(t^{4}-t^{2}\right)\right) d t

[You may assume that eiu2du=πeiπ/4.]\left.\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{i u^{2}} d u=\sqrt{\pi} e^{i \pi / 4} .\right]

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