Paper 3, Section II, 29K29 K

Stochastic Financial Models | Part II, 2014

Derive the Black-Scholes formula C(S0,K,r,T,σ)C\left(S_{0}, K, r, T, \sigma\right) for the time- 0 price of a European call option with expiry TT and strike KK written on an asset with volatility σ\sigma and time-0 price S0S_{0}, and where rr is the riskless rate of interest. Explain what is meant by the delta hedge for this option, and determine it explicitly.

In terms of the Black-Scholes call option price formula CC, find the time- 0 price of a forward-starting option, which pays (STλSt)+\left(S_{T}-\lambda S_{t}\right)^{+}at time TT, where 0<t<T0<t<T and λ>0\lambda>0 are given. Find the price of an option which pays max{ST,λSt}\max \left\{S_{T}, \lambda S_{t}\right\} at time TT. How would this option be hedged?

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