Paper 2, Section II, H

Riemann Surfaces | Part II, 2014

State and prove the Valency Theorem and define the degree of a non-constant holomorphic map between compact Riemann surfaces.

Let XX be a compact Riemann surface of genus gg and π:XC\pi: X \rightarrow \mathbb{C}_{\infty} a holomorphic map of degree two. Find the cardinality of the set RR of ramification points of π\pi. Find also the cardinality of the set of branch points of π\pi. [You may use standard results from lectures provided they are clearly stated.]

Define σ:XX\sigma: X \rightarrow X as follows: if pRp \in R, then σ(p)=p\sigma(p)=p; otherwise, σ(p)=q\sigma(p)=q where qq is the unique point such that π(q)=π(p)\pi(q)=\pi(p) and pqp \neq q. Show that σ\sigma is a conformal equivalence with πσ=π\pi \sigma=\pi and σσ=\sigma \sigma= id.

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