Paper 4, Section II, A

Principles of Quantum Mechanics | Part II, 2014

Define the interaction picture for a quantum mechanical system with Schrödinger picture Hamiltonian H0+V(t)H_{0}+V(t) and explain why the interaction and Schrödinger pictures give the same physical predictions for transition rates between eigenstates of H0H_{0}. Derive the equation of motion for the interaction picture states ψ(t)|\overline{\psi(t)}\rangle.

A system consists of just two states 1|1\rangle and 2|2\rangle, with respect to which

H0=(E100E2),V(t)=λ(0eiωteiωt0)H_{0}=\left(\begin{array}{cc} E_{1} & 0 \\ 0 & E_{2} \end{array}\right), \quad V(t)=\hbar \lambda\left(\begin{array}{cc} 0 & e^{i \omega t} \\ e^{-i \omega t} & 0 \end{array}\right)

Writing the interaction picture state as (t)=a1(t)1+a2(t)2\overline{\langle(t)}\rangle=a_{1}(t)|1\rangle+a_{2}(t)|2\rangle, show that the interaction picture equation of motion can be written as

ia˙1(t)=λeiμta2(t),ia˙2(t)=λeiμta1(t)i \dot{a}_{1}(t)=\lambda e^{i \mu t} a_{2}(t), \quad i \dot{a}_{2}(t)=\lambda e^{-i \mu t} a_{1}(t)

where μ=ωω21\mu=\omega-\omega_{21} and ω21=(E2E1)/\omega_{21}=\left(E_{2}-E_{1}\right) / \hbar. Hence show that a2(t)a_{2}(t) satisfies

a¨2+iμa˙2+λ2a2=0.\ddot{a}_{2}+i \mu \dot{a}_{2}+\lambda^{2} a_{2}=0 .

Given that a2(0)=0a_{2}(0)=0, show that the solution takes the form

a2(t)=αeiμt/2sinΩt,a_{2}(t)=\alpha e^{-i \mu t / 2} \sin \Omega t,

where Ω\Omega is a frequency to be determined and α\alpha is a complex constant of integration.

Substitute this solution for a2(t)a_{2}(t) into ()(*) to determine a1(t)a_{1}(t) and, by imposing the normalization condition ψ(t)2=1\||\overline{\psi(t)}\rangle \|^{2}=1 at t=0t=0, show that α2=λ2/Ω2|\alpha|^{2}=\lambda^{2} / \Omega^{2}.

At time t=0t=0 the system is in the state 1|1\rangle. Write down the probability of finding the system in the state 2|2\rangle at time tt.

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