Paper 2, Section II, B

Mathematical Biology | Part II, 2011

Consider a population subject to the following birth-death process. When the number of individuals in the population is nn, the probability of an increase from nn to n+1n+1 in unit time is βn+γ\beta n+\gamma and the probability of a decrease from nn to n1n-1 is αn(n1)\alpha n(n-1), where α,β\alpha, \beta and γ\gamma are constants.

Show that the master equation for P(n,t)P(n, t), the probability that at time tt the population has nn members, is

Pt=αn(n+1)P(n+1,t)αn(n1)P(n,t)+(βnβ+γ)P(n1,t)(βn+γ)P(n,t).\frac{\partial P}{\partial t}=\alpha n(n+1) P(n+1, t)-\alpha n(n-1) P(n, t)+(\beta n-\beta+\gamma) P(n-1, t)-(\beta n+\gamma) P(n, t) .

Show that n\langle n\rangle, the mean number of individuals in the population, satisfies

dndt=αn2+(α+β)n+γ\frac{d\langle n\rangle}{d t}=-\alpha\left\langle n^{2}\right\rangle+(\alpha+\beta)\langle n\rangle+\gamma

Deduce that, in a steady state,

n=α+β2α±(α+β)24α2+γα(Δn)2\langle n\rangle=\frac{\alpha+\beta}{2 \alpha} \pm \sqrt{\frac{(\alpha+\beta)^{2}}{4 \alpha^{2}}+\frac{\gamma}{\alpha}-(\Delta n)^{2}}

where Δn\Delta n is the standard deviation of nn. When is the minus sign admissable?

Show how a Fokker-Planck equation of the form

Pt=n[g(n)P(n,t)]+122n2[h(n)P(n,t)]\frac{\partial P}{\partial t}=\frac{\partial}{\partial n}[g(n) P(n, t)]+\frac{1}{2} \frac{\partial^{2}}{\partial n^{2}}[h(n) P(n, t)]

may be derived under conditions to be explained, where the functions g(n)g(n) and h(n)h(n) should be evaluated.

In the case αγ\alpha \ll \gamma and β=0\beta=0, find the leading-order approximation to nn_{*} such that g(n)=0g\left(n_{*}\right)=0. Defining the new variable x=nnx=n-n_{*}, where g(n)=0g\left(n_{*}\right)=0, approximate g(n)g(n) by g(n)xg^{\prime}\left(n_{*}\right) x and h(n)h(n) by h(n)h\left(n_{*}\right). Solve ()(*) for P(x)P(x) in the steady-state limit and deduce leading-order estimates for n\langle n\rangle and (Δn)2(\Delta n)^{2}.

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