Paper 4, Section I, B

Mathematical Biology | Part II, 2011

A neglected flower garden contains MnM_{n} marigolds in the summer of year nn. On average each marigold produces γ\gamma seeds through the summer. Seeds may germinate after one or two winters. After three winters or more they will not germinate. Each winter a fraction 1α1-\alpha of all seeds in the garden are eaten by birds (with no preference to the age of the seed). In spring a fraction μ\mu of seeds that have survived one winter and a fraction ν\nu of seeds that have survived two winters germinate. Finite resources of water mean that the number of marigolds growing to maturity from SS germinating seeds is N(S)\mathcal{N}(S), where N(S)\mathcal{N}(S) is an increasing function such that N(0)=0,N(0)=1,N(S)\mathcal{N}(0)=0, \mathcal{N}^{\prime}(0)=1, \mathcal{N}^{\prime}(S) is a decreasing function of SS and N(S)Nmax\mathcal{N}(S) \rightarrow N_{\max } as SS \rightarrow \infty

Show that MnM_{n} satisfies the equation

Mn+1=N(αμγMn+νγα2(1μ)Mn1)M_{n+1}=\mathcal{N}\left(\alpha \mu \gamma M_{n}+\nu \gamma \alpha^{2}(1-\mu) M_{n-1}\right)

Write down an equation for the number MM_{*} of marigolds in a steady state. Show graphically that there are two solutions, one with M=0M_{*}=0 and the other with M>0M_{*}>0 if

αμγ+νγα2(1μ)>1\alpha \mu \gamma+\nu \gamma \alpha^{2}(1-\mu)>1

Show that the M=0M_{*}=0 steady-state solution is unstable to small perturbations in this case.

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