Paper 4, Section II, G

Linear Analysis | Part II, 2011

State Urysohn's Lemma. State and prove the Tietze Extension Theorem.

Let X,YX, Y be two topological spaces. We say that the extension property holds if, whenever SXS \subseteq X is a closed subset and f:SYf: S \rightarrow Y is a continuous map, there is a continuous function f~:XY\tilde{f}: X \rightarrow Y with f~S=f\left.\tilde{f}\right|_{S}=f.

For each of the following three statements, say whether it is true or false. Briefly justify your answers.

  1. If XX is a metric space and Y=[1,1]Y=[-1,1] then the extension property holds.

  2. If XX is a compact Hausdorff space and Y=RY=\mathbb{R} then the extension property holds.

  3. If XX is an arbitrary topological space and Y=[1,1]Y=[-1,1] then the extension property holds.

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