Paper 3, Section II, 17 F17 \mathrm{~F}

Graph Theory | Part II, 2011

Define the Turán graph Tr(n)T_{r}(n). State and prove Turán's theorem. Hence, or otherwise, find ex(K3;n)\operatorname{ex}\left(K_{3} ; n\right).

Let GG be a bipartite graph with nn vertices in each class. Let kk be an integer, 1kn1 \leqslant k \leqslant n, and assume e(G)>(k1)ne(G)>(k-1) n. Show that GG contains a set of kk independent edges.

[Hint: Suppose GG contains a set DD of a independent edges but no set of a +1+1 independent edges. Let UU be the set of vertices of the edges in DD and let FF be the set of edges in GG with precisely one vertex in UU; consider F.]|F| .]

Hence, or otherwise, show that if HH is a triangle-free tripartite graph with nn vertices in each class then e(H)2n2e(H) \leqslant 2 n^{2}.

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