Paper 2, Section II, F

Graph Theory | Part II, 2011

What does it mean to say that a graph GG is kk-colourable? Define the chromatic number χ(G)\chi(G) of a graph GG, and the chromatic number χ(S)\chi(S) of a closed surface SS.

State the Euler-Poincaré formula relating the numbers of vertices, edges and faces in a drawing of a graph GG on a closed surface SS of Euler characteristic EE. Show that if E0E \leqslant 0 then

χ(S)[7+4924E2\chi(S) \leqslant\left[\frac{7+\sqrt{49-24 E}}{2}\right\rfloor

Find, with justification, the chromatic number of the Klein bottle N2N_{2}. Show that if GG is a triangle-free graph which can be drawn on the Klein bottle then χ(G)4\chi(G) \leqslant 4.

[You may assume that the Klein bottle has Euler characteristic 0 , and that K6K_{6} can be drawn on the Klein bottle but K7K_{7} cannot. You may use Brooks's theorem.]

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