Paper 1, Section II, F

Graph Theory | Part II, 2011

Let GG be a bipartite graph with vertex classes XX and YY. What is a matching from XX to YY ?

Show that if Γ(A)A|\Gamma(A)| \geqslant|A| for all AXA \subset X then GG contains a matching from XX to YY.

Let dd be a positive integer. Show that if Γ(A)Ad|\Gamma(A)| \geqslant|A|-d for all AXA \subset X then GG contains a set of Xd|X|-d independent edges.

Show that if 0 is not an eigenvalue of GG then GG contains a matching from XX to YY.

Suppose now that X=Y1|X|=|Y| \geqslant 1 and that GG does contain a matching from XX to YY. Must it be the case that 0 is not an eigenvalue of GG ? Justify your answer.

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