Paper 2, Section II, 36D

General Relativity | Part II, 2011

The curvature tensor RbcdaR_{b c d}^{a} satisfies

Va;bcVa;cb=VeRabceV_{a ; b c}-V_{a ; c b}=V_{e} R_{a b c}^{e}

for any covariant vector field VaV_{a}. Hence express RabceR_{a b c}^{e} in terms of the Christoffel symbols and their derivatives. Show that

Rabce=RacbeR_{a b c}^{e}=-R_{a c b}^{e}

Further, by setting Va=ϕ/xaV_{a}=\partial \phi / \partial x^{a}, deduce that

Rabce+Rcabe+Rbcae=0.R_{a b c}^{e}+R_{c a b}^{e}+R_{b c a}^{e}=0 .

Using local inertial coordinates or otherwise, obtain the Bianchi identities.

Define the Ricci tensor in terms of the curvature tensor and show that it is symmetric. [You may assume that Rabcd=RbacdR_{a b c d}=-R_{b a c d}.] Write down the contracted Bianchi identities.

In certain spacetimes of dimension n2,Rabcdn \geqslant 2, R_{a b c d} takes the form

Rabcd=K(gacgbdgadgbc)R_{a b c d}=K\left(g_{a c} g_{b d}-g_{a d} g_{b c}\right)

Obtain the Ricci tensor and curvature scalar. Deduce, under some restriction on nn which should be stated, that KK is a constant.

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