Paper 3, Section II, H

Galois Theory | Part II, 2011

Let n1n \geqslant 1 and K=Q(μn)K=\mathbb{Q}\left(\boldsymbol{\mu}_{n}\right) be the cyclotomic field generated by the nnth roots of unity. Let aQa \in \mathbb{Q} with a0a \neq 0, and consider F=K(an)F=K(\sqrt[n]{a}).

(i) State, without proof, the theorem which determines Gal(K/Q)\operatorname{Gal}(K / \mathbb{Q}).

(ii) Show that F/QF / \mathbb{Q} is a Galois extension and that Gal(F/Q)\operatorname{Gal}(F / \mathbb{Q}) is soluble. [When using facts about general Galois extensions and their generators, you should state them clearly.]

(iii) When n=pn=p is prime, list all possible degrees [F:Q][F: \mathbb{Q}], with justification.

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