(i) By assuming the validity of the Fourier transform pair, prove the validity of the following transform pair:
where c is an arbitrary complex constant and L is the union of the two rays arg k=2π and argk=0 with the orientation shown in the figure below:

The contour L.
(ii) Verify that the partial differential equation
can be rewritten in the following form:
Consider equation (2) supplemented with the conditions
q(x,0)=q0(x),0<x<∞q(x,t) vanishes sufficiently fast for all t as x→∞
By using equations (1a) and (3), show that
Part II, 2011 List of Questions
Use (1b) to invert equation (5) and furthermore show that
Hence determine the constant c so that the solution of equation (2), with the conditions (4) and with the condition that either q(0,t) or qx(0,t) is given, can be expressed in terms of an integral involving q^0(k) and either g~0 or g~1.