Paper 3, Section II, E

Cosmology | Part II, 2011

An expanding universe with scale factor a(t)a(t) is filled with (pressure-free) cold dark matter (CDM) of average mass density ρˉ(t)\bar{\rho}(t). In the Zel'dovich approximation to gravitational clumping, the perturbed position r(q,t)\mathbf{r}(\mathbf{q}, t) of a CDM particle with unperturbed comoving position q\mathbf{q} is given by

r(q,t)=a(t)[q+ψ(q,t)]\mathbf{r}(\mathbf{q}, t)=a(t)[\mathbf{q}+\boldsymbol{\psi}(\mathbf{q}, t)]

where ψ\psi is the comoving displacement.

(i) Explain why the conservation of CDM particles implies that

ρ(r,t)d3r=a3ρˉ(t)d3q,\rho(\mathbf{r}, t) d^{3} r=a^{3} \bar{\rho}(t) d^{3} q,

where ρ(r,t)\rho(\mathbf{r}, t) is the CDM mass density. Use (1) to verify that d3q=a3[1qψ]d3rd^{3} q=a^{-3}\left[1-\nabla_{\mathbf{q}} \cdot \psi\right] d^{3} r, and hence deduce that the fractional density perturbation is, to first order,

δρρˉρˉ=qψ\delta \equiv \frac{\rho-\bar{\rho}}{\bar{\rho}}=-\nabla_{\mathbf{q}} \cdot \psi \text {. }

Use this result to integrate the Poisson equation 2Φ=4πGρˉ\nabla^{2} \Phi=4 \pi G \bar{\rho} for the gravitational potential Φ\Phi. Then use the particle equation of motion r¨=Φ\ddot{\mathbf{r}}=-\nabla \Phi to deduce a second-order differential equation for ψ\psi, and hence that

δ¨+2(a˙a)δ˙4πGρˉδ=0.\ddot{\delta}+2\left(\frac{\dot{a}}{a}\right) \dot{\delta}-4 \pi G \bar{\rho} \delta=0 .

[You may assume that 2Φ=4πGρˉ\nabla^{2} \Phi=4 \pi G \bar{\rho} implies Φ=(4πG/3)ρˉr\nabla \Phi=(4 \pi G / 3) \bar{\rho} \mathbf{r} and that the pressure-free acceleration equation is a¨=(4πG/3)ρˉa.]\ddot{a}=-(4 \pi G / 3) \bar{\rho} a .]

(ii) A flat matter-dominated universe with background density ρˉ=(6πGt2)1\bar{\rho}=\left(6 \pi G t^{2}\right)^{-1} has scale factor a(t)=(t/t0)2/3a(t)=\left(t / t_{0}\right)^{2 / 3}. The universe is filled with a pressure-free homogeneous (non-clumping) fluid of mass density ρH(t)\rho_{H}(t), as well as cold dark matter of mass density ρC(r,t)\rho_{C}(\mathbf{r}, t).

Assuming that the Zel'dovich perturbation equation in this case is as in (2) but with ρˉ\bar{\rho} replaced by ρˉC\bar{\rho}_{C}, i.e. that

δ¨+2(a˙a)δ˙4πGρˉCδ=0,\ddot{\delta}+2\left(\frac{\dot{a}}{a}\right) \dot{\delta}-4 \pi G \bar{\rho}_{C} \delta=0,

seek power-law solutions δtα\delta \propto t^{\alpha} to find growing and decaying modes with

α=16(1±2524ΩH)\alpha=\frac{1}{6}\left(-1 \pm \sqrt{25-24 \Omega_{H}}\right)

where ΩH=ρH/ρˉ\Omega_{H}=\rho_{H} / \bar{\rho}.

Given that matter domination starts (t=teq )\left(t=t_{\text {eq }}\right) at a redshift z105z \approx 10^{5}, and given an initial perturbation δ(teq)105\delta\left(t_{\mathrm{eq}}\right) \approx 10^{-5}, show that ΩH=2/3\Omega_{H}=2 / 3 yields a model that is not compatible with the large-scale structure observed today.

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