Paper 3, Section I, E

Cosmology | Part II, 2011

For an ideal gas of fermions of mass mm in volume VV, and at temperature TT and chemical potential μ\mu, the number density nn and kinetic energy EE are given by

n=4πgsh30nˉ(p)p2dp,E=4πgsh3V0nˉ(p)ϵ(p)p2dpn=\frac{4 \pi g_{s}}{h^{3}} \int_{0}^{\infty} \bar{n}(p) p^{2} d p, \quad E=\frac{4 \pi g_{s}}{h^{3}} V \int_{0}^{\infty} \bar{n}(p) \epsilon(p) p^{2} d p

where gsg_{s} is the spin-degeneracy factor, hh is Planck's constant, ϵ(p)=cp2+m2c2\epsilon(p)=c \sqrt{p^{2}+m^{2} c^{2}} is the single-particle energy as a function of the momentum pp, and

nˉ(p)=[exp(ϵ(p)μkT)+1]1\bar{n}(p)=\left[\exp \left(\frac{\epsilon(p)-\mu}{k T}\right)+1\right]^{-1}

where kk is Boltzmann's constant.

(i) Sketch the function nˉ(p)\bar{n}(p) at zero temperature, explaining why nˉ(p)=0\bar{n}(p)=0 for p>pFp>p_{F} (the Fermi momentum). Find an expression for nn at zero temperature as a function of pFp F.

Assuming that a typical fermion is ultra-relativistic (pcmc2)\left(p c \gg m c^{2}\right) even at zero temperature, obtain an estimate of the energy density E/VE / V as a function of pFp_{F}, and hence show that

Ehcn4/3VE \sim h c n^{4 / 3} V

in the ultra-relativistic limit at zero temperature.

(ii) A white dwarf star of radius RR has total mass M=4π3mpnpR3M=\frac{4 \pi}{3} m_{p} n_{p} R^{3}, where mpm_{p} is the proton mass and npn_{p} the average proton number density. On the assumption that the star's degenerate electrons are ultra-relativistic, so that ()(*) applies with nn replaced by the average electron number density nen_{e}, deduce the following estimate for the star's internal kinetic energy:

Ekinhc(Mmp)4/31R.E_{\mathrm{kin}} \sim h c\left(\frac{M}{m_{p}}\right)^{4 / 3} \frac{1}{R} .

By comparing this with the total gravitational potential energy, briefly discuss the consequences for white dwarf stability.

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