Paper 4, Section II, 38B

Waves | Part II, 2011

Show that, in the standard notation for one-dimensional flow of a perfect gas, the Riemann invariants u±2(cc0)/(γ1)u \pm 2\left(c-c_{0}\right) /(\gamma-1) are constant on characteristics C±C_{\pm}given by

dx dt=u±c\frac{\mathrm{d} x}{\mathrm{~d} t}=u \pm c

Such a gas occupies the region x>X(t)x>X(t) in a semi-infinite tube to the right of a piston at x=X(t)x=X(t). At time t=0t=0, the piston and the gas are at rest, X=0X=0, and the gas is uniform with c=c0c=c_{0}. For t>0t>0 the piston accelerates smoothly in the positive xx-direction. Show that, prior to the formation of a shock, the motion of the gas is given parametrically by

u(x,t)=X˙(τ) on x=X(τ)+[c0+12(γ+1)X˙(τ)](tτ)u(x, t)=\dot{X}(\tau) \quad \text { on } \quad x=X(\tau)+\left[c_{0}+\frac{1}{2}(\gamma+1) \dot{X}(\tau)\right](t-\tau)

in a region that should be specified.

For the case X(t)=23c0t3/T2X(t)=\frac{2}{3} c_{0} t^{3} / T^{2}, where T>0T>0 is a constant, show that a shock first forms in the gas when

t=Tγ+1(3γ+1)1/2t=\frac{T}{\gamma+1}(3 \gamma+1)^{1 / 2}

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