Paper 4, Section II, D

Statistical Physics | Part II, 2011

(i) Define the Gibbs free energy for a gas of NN particles with pressure pp at a temperature TT. Explain why it is necessarily proportional to the number of particles NN in the system. Given volume VV and chemical potential μ\mu, prove that

μpT=VN.\left.\frac{\partial \mu}{\partial p}\right|_{T}=\frac{V}{N} .

(ii) The van der Waals equation of state is

(p+aN2V2)(VNb)=NkBT\left(p+\frac{a N^{2}}{V^{2}}\right)(V-N b)=N k_{B} T

Explain the physical significance of the terms with constants aa and bb. Sketch the isotherms of the van der Waals equation. Show that the critical point lies at

kBTc=8a27b,Vc=3bN,pc=a27b2.k_{B} T_{c}=\frac{8 a}{27 b}, \quad V_{c}=3 b N, \quad p_{c}=\frac{a}{27 b^{2}} .

(iii) Describe the Maxwell construction to determine the condition for phase equilibrium. Hence sketch the regions of the van der Waals isotherm at T<TcT<T_{c} that correspond to metastable and unstable states. Sketch those regions that correspond to stable liquids and stable gases.

(iv) Show that, as the critical point is approached along the co-existence curve,

Vgas Vliquid (TcT)1/2.V_{\text {gas }}-V_{\text {liquid }} \sim\left(T_{c}-T\right)^{1 / 2} .

Show that, as the critical point is approached along an isotherm,

ppc(VVc)3.p-p_{c} \sim\left(V-V_{c}\right)^{3} .

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