Paper 2, Section II, I

Representation Theory | Part II, 2011

State Maschke's Theorem for finite-dimensional complex representations of the finite group GG. Show by means of an example that the requirement that GG be finite is indispensable.

Now let GG be a (possibly infinite) group and let HH be a normal subgroup of finite index rr in GG. Let g1,,grg_{1}, \ldots, g_{r} be representatives of the cosets of HH in GG. Suppose that VV is a finite-dimensional completely reducible CG\mathbb{C} G-module. Show that

(i) if UU is a CH\mathbb{C} H-submodule of VV and gGg \in G, then the set gU={gu:uU}g U=\{g u: u \in U\} is a CH\mathbb{C} H-submodule of VV;

(ii) if UU is a CH\mathbb{C} H-submodule of VV, then i=1rgiU\sum_{i=1}^{r} g_{i} U is a CG\mathbb{C} G-submodule of VV;

(iii) VV is completely reducible regarded as a CH\mathbb{C} H-module.

Hence deduce that if χ\chi is an irreducible character of the finite group GG then all the constituents of χH\chi_{H} have the same degree.

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