Paper 4, Section II, K

Probability and Measure | Part II, 2011

(i) State and prove Fatou's lemma. State and prove Lebesgue's dominated convergence theorem. [You may assume the monotone convergence theorem.]

In the rest of the question, let fnf_{n} be a sequence of integrable functions on some measure space (E,E,μ)(E, \mathcal{E}, \mu), and assume that fnff_{n} \rightarrow f almost everywhere, where ff is a given integrable function. We also assume that fndμfdμ\int\left|f_{n}\right| d \mu \rightarrow \int|f| d \mu as nn \rightarrow \infty.

(ii) Show that fn+dμf+dμ\int f_{n}^{+} d \mu \rightarrow \int f^{+} d \mu and that fndμfdμ\int f_{n}^{-} d \mu \rightarrow \int f^{-} d \mu, where ϕ+=max(ϕ,0)\phi^{+}=\max (\phi, 0) and ϕ=max(ϕ,0)\phi^{-}=\max (-\phi, 0) denote the positive and negative parts of a function ϕ\phi.

(iii) Here we assume also that fn0f_{n} \geqslant 0. Deduce that ffndμ0\int\left|f-f_{n}\right| d \mu \rightarrow 0.

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