Paper 4, Section II, D

Principles of Quantum Mechanics | Part II, 2011

The quantum-mechanical observable QQ has just two orthonormal eigenstates 1|1\rangle and 2|2\rangle with eigenvalues 1-1 and 1 , respectively. The operator QQ^{\prime} is defined by Q=Q+ϵTQ^{\prime}=Q+\epsilon T, where

T=(0ii0)T=\left(\begin{array}{cc} 0 & i \\ -i & 0 \end{array}\right)

Defining orthonormal eigenstates of QQ^{\prime} to be 1\left|1^{\prime}\right\rangle and 2\left|2^{\prime}\right\rangle with eigenvalues q1q_{1}^{\prime}, q2q_{2}^{\prime}, respectively, consider a perturbation to first order in ϵR\epsilon \in \mathbb{R} for the states

1=a11+a2ϵ2,2=b12+b2ϵ1,\left|1^{\prime}\right\rangle=a_{1}|1\rangle+a_{2} \epsilon|2\rangle, \quad\left|2^{\prime}\right\rangle=b_{1}|2\rangle+b_{2} \epsilon|1\rangle,

where a1,a2,b1,b2a_{1}, a_{2}, b_{1}, b_{2} are complex coefficients. The real eigenvalues are also expanded to first order in ϵ\epsilon :

q1=1+c1ϵ,q2=1+c2ϵq_{1}^{\prime}=-1+c_{1} \epsilon, \quad q_{2}^{\prime}=1+c_{2} \epsilon

From first principles, find a1,a2,b1,b2,c1,c2a_{1}, a_{2}, b_{1}, b_{2}, c_{1}, c_{2}.

Working exactly to all orders, find the real eigenvalues q1,q2q_{1}^{\prime}, q_{2}^{\prime} directly. Show that the exact eigenvectors of QQ^{\prime} may be taken to be of the form

Aj(ϵ)(1i(1+Bqj)/ϵ)A_{j}(\epsilon)\left(\begin{array}{c} 1 \\ -i\left(1+B q_{j}^{\prime}\right) / \epsilon \end{array}\right)

finding Aj(ϵ)A_{j}(\epsilon) and the real numerical coefficient BB in the process.

By expanding the exact expressions, again find a1,a2,b1,b2,c1,c2a_{1}, a_{2}, b_{1}, b_{2}, c_{1}, c_{2}, verifying the perturbation theory results above.

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