Paper 2, Section II, H

Algebraic Geometry | Part II, 2011

(i) Let kk be an algebraically closed field, and let II be an ideal in k[x0,,xn]k\left[x_{0}, \ldots, x_{n}\right]. Define what it means for II to be homogeneous.

Now let ZAn+1Z \subseteq \mathbb{A}^{n+1} be a Zariski closed subvariety invariant under k=k{0}k^{*}=k-\{0\}; that is, if zZz \in Z and λk\lambda \in k^{*}, then λzZ\lambda z \in Z. Show that I(Z)I(Z) is a homogeneous ideal.

(ii) Let fk[x1,,xn1]f \in k\left[x_{1}, \ldots, x_{n-1}\right], and let Γ={(x,f(x))xAn1}An\Gamma=\left\{(x, f(x)) \mid x \in \mathbb{A}^{n-1}\right\} \subseteq \mathbb{A}^{n} be the graph of ff.

Let Γˉ\bar{\Gamma} be the closure of Γ\Gamma in Pn\mathbb{P}^{n}.

Write, in terms of ff, the homogeneous equations defining Γˉ\bar{\Gamma}.

Assume that kk is an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. Now suppose n=3n=3 and f(x,y)=y3x2k[x,y]f(x, y)=y^{3}-x^{2} \in k[x, y]. Find the singular points of the projective surface Γˉ\bar{\Gamma}.

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