Paper 3, Section I, F

Geometry of Group Actions | Part II, 2010

Let UU be a "triangular" region in the unit disc D\mathbb{D} bounded by three hyperbolic geodesics γ1,γ2,γ3\gamma_{1}, \gamma_{2}, \gamma_{3} that do not meet in D\mathbb{D} nor on its boundary. Let JkJ_{k} be inversion in γk\gamma_{k} and set

A=J2J1;B=J3J2.A=J_{2} \circ J_{1} ; \quad B=J_{3} \circ J_{2} .

Let GG be the group generated by the Möbius transformations AA and BB. Describe briefly a fundamental set for the group GG acting on D\mathbb{D}.

Prove that GG is a free group on the two generators AA and BB. Describe the quotient surface D/G\mathbb{D} / G.

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